The year Peter was born (the truth)...
1970 The year Peter claims to be born.

During school, Peter struggled with dyslexia and there was nothing in his early years that suggested he would have a career in fashion. With the help of his favourite high school teacher he successfully completed his final school exams.

The pyjama game started on Peter's Mum's dining room table, with a simple idea and a simple spot!

Peter travelled around the country with a suitcase full of product samples, trying to sell to boutiques and department stores. Despite being told in his very first appointment 'Take it all away and go get yourself a different job,' Peter persevered and began supplying sell out ranges to a major department store.
It came down to having the right product at the right time... Peter's pyjama's continued to sell and attracted media attention. The media dubbed him as 'The Pyjama King' and celebrities began to wear his pyjamas and asked him to appear on numerous TV shows. He was truly on his way...

After a major department store cancelled a large order of pyjamas, Peter had to think on his feet. He turned this set back into an opportunity and looked to mail order to sell the stock. The phones started ringing and didn't stop... Peter's PJs sold like hotcakes! This was the beginning of the Peter Alexander catalogue business.

Won Australian designer of the year and a trip to Paris, which would inspire collections to come.

The catalogue became an important part of the business, contributing to the growth in mail order. What started as a leaflet grew to the first glossy 12 page catalogue.

By popular demand, Peter released his first menswear collection

Following the success of his catalogue business, Peter leapt into the world of online shopping and launched his first website and online store.

Peter always had a passion for animals but it wasn't until he walked past a window and fell in love with Penelope (AKA Penny). He was horrified she had been marked down and he hadn't planned on getting a dog, he had just been out walking and arrived back at work and exclaimed 'I got a Hot Dog for Lunch!'

Peter's initial passion for pyjamas was because of an association to his childhood. So with that he decided to launch his first kidswear collection

Peter joined Australian retail giant The Just Group to let the experts help crunch the numbers, under the condition of his 3 rules. 1. He could keep his staff 2. He got to work with his Mum 3. He could bring his dogs into work!

Once he joined the retail big league Peter’s PJs took off... the first stand-alone store was opened in Melbourne Central shortly followed by Chadstone.

Sadly, Penny went to doggy heaven. She used to sleep on Peter's bed every night and when she passed it was a very difficult time for him. Penny was always featured in his catalogues and after she passed away he continued to use her imagery through his designs allowing her to live on through the brand.

Feeling a little Angelina Jolie he adopted two pups from the RSPCA called Betty and Butch. They all got along instantly and that was that. Peter continues to this day to support the RSPCA with a range of products every year with all profits going to the charity.

Peter Alexander celebrated 20 years of sleeping around. He started painting the world pink, opening his first international store in New Zealand.

Inspired by his childhood, Peter collaborated with popular children's characters such as Banana's in Pyjamas to create one of a kind sleepwear designs.

Peter celebrated a birthday he was happy to share with the world, his brand turned 25 this year! He also hit a milestone and opened his 50th store!

Peter jumped into bed with a leading Australian department store... Peter's PJs became available through Myer.

Peter achieved his dream of being the Pyjama King. Sleeping with the look alike English Royals for his annual Mother's Day Collection. The campaign was a huge success, showing the world he could design pyjamas fit for a Queen!

To continue his support for the RSPCA in Australia & Paw Justice in New Zealand, Peter collaborated with popular children's author Roger Hargreaves to create a special edition Little Miss Hug charity book featuring his beloved Penny.

Peter found out how to get to Sesame Street, and became the first ever commercial brand to shoot on the set.

This year Peter opened his 100th store. 'There's still so much to do, I believe that Peter Alexander is a brand that can go around the world.'

Peter continues as creative director of the brand, and is dreaming up new designs every day.

Peter Alexander took off to Hogwarts as the first brand to shoot its collection campaign at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Japan.

Peter proudly celebrated 15 years working with the RSPCA in Australia. In this time, we raised over $1M supporting this much-loved animal charity.

With eyes on the rest of the world, the brand launched its improved international shopping experience. This helped offer a simpler and faster international online shopping experience.

In 2024, Peter Alexander woke up in the United Kingdom with the opening of retail stores and a UK based online store.

Peter Alexander is now a part of Premier Retail.
'I have flown, perhaps not in the sense of my dreams but I have risen much higher than I dared to think about. Dreams do come true.'
- Peter